This is a site on which I will tell the sagas of the Elfie-Boys, namely, Legolas and Figwit. These stories originally appeared
on, and are still there, but I decided to make a website for them anyway, because their story must be
It is a rich tale, full of romance, betrayal, royalty gone wrong, and more! Featured are Legolas and Figwit, and their
Kindly Readers, Sprite, Sake, and Aldawen. Along with this crew are Seamoose, a fanboy, Leroy, Elrond's magic carpet, Caligula,
a two-humped camel, and a whole bunch of familiar characters from LOTR!
The trilogy is as follows:
Legolas vs. Figwit: The Ultimate Battle (COMPLETE!)
The Elfie-Boys and their BIG Egos (COMPLETE!)
Legolas, Figwit, and the Liquor Cabinet of DOOM (COMPLETE!)